EPC adds 100V, 3.8mΩ EPC2306 to packaged GaN FET family

2022-10-26 11:43:13 By : Mr. Gang Qian

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Efficient Power Conversion Corp (EPC) of El Segundo, CA, USA has expanded its selection of off-the-shelf enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaN) power FETs in thermally enhanced QFN packages with the introduction of the 100V EPC2306, designed for 48V DC-DC conversion used in high-density computing applications, in 48V brushless DC (BLDC) motor drives for e-mobility and robotics, and in solar optimizers and micro-inverters, and Class D audio.

The EPC2306 GaN FET offers a small on-resistance (RDS(on) ) of just 3.8mΩ, together with very small QG , QGD and QOSS parameters for low conduction and switching losses. The device features a thermally enhanced QFN package with exposed top and footprint of just 3mm x 5mm, offering an extremely small solution size for the highest-power-density applications.

The EPC2306 is footprint compatible with the existing 100V, 1.8mΩ EPC2302 GaN FET. The two footprint-compatible devices allow designers to trade off RDS(on) versus price to optimize solutions for efficiency or cost by dropping in a different part number in the same PCB footprint.

“The EPC2306 combines the advantages of 100V GaN with an easy-to-assemble QFN package without sacrificing performance,” says CEO & co-founder Alex Lidow. “Designers can use our family of packaged GaN FETs to make lighter-weight battery-operated BLDC motor drives for eMobility and drones, higher-efficiency 48V input DC-DC converters for data-center, datacom, artificial intelligence (AI), and other industrial and consumer applications.”

To simplify the evaluation process and speed time to market, the EPC2306 GaN FET features in the 2” x 2” (50.8mm x 50.8mm) EPC90145 development board, which is a 100V maximum-device-voltage, 45A maximum-output-current, half-bridge designed for optimal switching performance and containing all critical components for easy evaluation.

The EPC2306 is priced at $3.08 each in 1000-unit volumes. The EPC90145 development board is $200 each. All devices and boards are available for immediate delivery from distributor Digi-Key Corp.

Tags: EPC E-mode GaN FETs

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